Get the Look: How to Capture Stevie Nicks’ Style
Stevie Nicks is known for her bohemian rock-and-roll style throughout the years. We’re totally obsessed with her raspy vocals, along with her gypsy-style skirts, shawls, and platform boots, which made her a fashion icon during the 1970s.
Stevie Nicks’ style is timeless in its appeal. This article will show you 5 pieces you need in your wardrobe to capture Stevie Nicks’ style.
Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac
In the late ’60s when Peter Green and Mick Fleetwood started the bluesy Fleetwood Mac, they could have never envisioned the future band would dramatically change direction with the successful addition of Stevie Nicks and her then-boyfriend, Lindsey Buckingham in the early ’70s.
Stevie’s beautifully crafted songs along with her mysteriously mesmerizing stage presence catapulted Fleetwood Mac to the top of the charts again and again.

Stevie Nicks’ Style On-stage
Stevie Nicks’ style personified the ‘70s. Her groovy witchy woman vibe is easily recognizable because of her consistency. Show after show she captivated us with her flowing beaded and fringed shawls as signature as her ribbon-adorned tambourine.
Moving into the ’70s and ‘80s, glitz and glam rock gave us the crystal-embellished laces and velvets part of Stevie’s signature look.
Her 2019 induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame by none other than Harry Styles gave Stevie an opportunity to remind us of her iconic style. For the occasion, she wore a black dress (her favorite!) with a shredded hemline, crystal-studded gloves, and towering platform shoes. Her style is as timeless as her music.

Give Your Wardrobe a Free Spirit
It can be hard to find the perfect boho-rock pieces that will transport your wardrobe back in time. Here are a few of our favorite pieces that we are sure you and your wallet will both love.
Stevie’s Wardrobe Staple: The Feminine Black Dress

her wearing a beautiful flowy black dress with a shredded or handkerchief hemline. From mini to midi in length, the look is all Stevie. Add a black silk top hat if you are channeling Stevie. You can add a feather for more charm. Make this look your own.
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Soft velvet jackets and vests paired with her flowy skirts show us another sexy side of Stevie. Velvet is a favorite fabric choice for Stevie Nicks. She is often seen wearing velvety tops and shawls whether it is winter or summertime.
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Nothing displays Stevie Nicks’ style more than a long, flowing shawl. Her captivating vocals paired with her swirling fringed shawl sent us all to our bedroom mirrors to practice our own swirling moves. Get this Rock-n-Roll Goddess look yourself with our choices below.
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As one of the most important women in music history, Stevie’s musical style is matched by her historical fashion style as well. Her skirts, a mixture of gauzy, breezy fabrics in billowy cuts with tons of lace, velvet, and chiffon are sexy, feminine choices.
This unique songstress mixes her unique style from the traditional definition of bohemian to a more (at that time) hippie look featuring peasant skirts and lots of black on black. Channel her flowy skirts with these choices
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To accessorize like Stevie is to have a love of hats of all shapes and sizes, to be draped in scarves and shawls, and to never be without a crescent moon necklace.
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Releasing your free-spirited style while looking great is easy with the addition of a few Stevie Nicks’ styles inspired fashion finds. It’s not about cost, it’s about class. Show your boho-rock style this summer and rock-on gold dust woman.
Read about the summer’s most contested trend that is sparking much debate next: This Hottly Contested Trend is Back for Summer.